by Darren Robinson
Buy the Original Painting
20.000 x 16.000 x 0.750 inches
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Darren Robinson
Painting - Acrylic Paint On Canvas
Shrouded by clouds, mist, and snow for much of the year, high mountain
lakes are ideal locations to assess environmental change affecting the
high country of the Pacific Northwest. Mountain lakes integrate the
effects of multiple stressors, such as climate change, air pollution, and
visitor impacts, from over a broad area into a suite of chemical and
biological characteristics that essentially make them living Petri dishes.
Given their high elevation, mountain lakes are particularly susceptible to
the effects of atmospheric pollution. Pollutants such as nitrogen, ammonium,
sulfur, and various contaminants (e.g. mercury, semi-volatile
organic pollutants) are deposited from air masses that originate from
industrialized areas. Mount Rainier National Park receives pollutants
from the rapidly growing Puget Sound, Portland and Frasier Valley
metropolitan areas as well as from trans-Pacific sources. Fish stocking in
all three parks has altered native lake food web structure and nutrient
dynamics. Global climate change is predicted to impact mountain lakes
systems in a variety of ways. Increased air and water temperature can
change the timing and duration of ice cover. Since these systems are
ice-free only a fraction of the year, change in ice cover will
fundamentally alter food web interactions, species diversity, and nutrient
This peaceful and calm scene would make a great addition to any office or home decor.
March 11th, 2015