Window to the Soul
by Darren Robinson
Buy the Original Painting
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24.000 x 18.000 x 1.500 inches
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Window to the Soul
Darren Robinson
Painting - Acrylic On Canvas
The beauty and miracle of the human eye. What some refer to as the "window to the soul". Have you ever looked deeply into the eyes of someone, maybe a loved one, and felt yourself connect with their soul? Have you ever seen that "twinkle" and KNEW what the person was thinking? Or that they loved you unconditionally? The eyes truly ARE the window to the soul. They can give away your every thought and emotion. Some eyes even change color depending on the persons mood. This is what inspired this original painting with its bold and striking details. If you look close enough you can feel her looking back at you. Can you imagine what she is thinking. Is she happy? surprised?
This image has been featured on SO many FAA groups that I lost count. I believe the count is up to 7 now. Thanks for ALL the kudos on this piece as it IS one of my favorites.
December 17th, 2012